Animal Welfare Karpathos had the honor of hosting a volunteer event in collaboration with Atlantis Hotel on Karpathos island, Greece. Volunteers of all ages who have demonstrated a sincere interest in animal welfare attended the event, during which a presentation was given by the president of the organization, Mrs. Sophia Hiras - Micros. The volunteers learned about the history of animal welfare on the island, which dates back to 2002 when the first formal association was founded by German and Karpathian citizens and guests. In addition, the attendees learned about our newly formed non profit organization and our future plans, as well as our partnership with the City Hall and pending partnerships with other international organizations.

The organization would like to thank:
Sophia Hiras- Micros for coordinating and presenting the event
George Kourtis, for hosting the event at Atlantis hotel.
Maria Pavlakos, for making delicious cupcakes and coordinating the event.
Olympia Giannakas, Luisa Ricaldone and Anja Van Rossum for assisting with the coordination of the event.
Alexandra Desmond and Haidee Pittas for assisting with the online event invitations.
Anna Katogiritis for creating our display presentation.
Many of the guests signed up to become active volunteers of Animal Welfare Karpathos. At the end of the event, guests had the opportunity to participate in an open conversation where ways to improve animal welfare on Karpathos were discussed.

The meeting gave everyone hope for the future of Animal Welfare on Karpathos!
Coming up:
The organization will soon be announcing free online seminars for first aid and proper care of stray kittens and puppies. The seminars will be open for volunteers who have officially filled our online volunteer application. The seminars will be led by Dr. Anna Katogiritis, who will present one seminar in Greek and one in English. Sign up via Stay tuned!
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