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2024 Othos Village
Spay-Neuter & Education Program
by Animal Welfare Karpathos
- cats were treated overall , dewormed and vaccinated. - 5 enucleations performed
cats spayed/ neutered
cats found a forever home
7008.79 Euros
total cost of medical costs covered by Animal Welfare Karpathos thanks to donations.
Licensed Veterinarians
Licensed Veterinary Nurses
Volunteers (trapping/releasing/ cooking/ cleaning etc)
The first-ever TNR program in Othos village concluded in February 2024. We surpased our expectations thanks to donors and volunteers!
Scroll below to see photos of the program, the full list of sponsors, and the names of all the volunteers who helped.
In February, 2024 Animal Welfare Karpathos, in collaboration with Veterinary Global Aid, Inc (US based non profit), concluded another successful spay/neuter and education program on the island of Karpathos. This time, our team traveled to Othos village where for the first time a TNR took place directly in the village. The hospitality of the locals set the mood for a wonderful experience. The ladies in the village not only opened their homes to accommodate the volunteers, but took time out of their days to prepare delicious meals and traditional snacks. The Othos diaspora, from the US to Australia, and the Greek Othos associations supported the program with excitement through donations (see donors below). The program was approved by the City Hall of Karpathos, mayor Mr. Fellouzis and the majority of the municipality council. Our team consisted of a number of volunteers (see below) both from within Othos, but also from other parts of the world (Austria, Germany, Holland). The latter traveled specifically to Karpathos to participate in the program. We encourage you to please scroll through the donor and volunteer names at the end of this page.
In line with our mission, Dr. Katogiritis and Mrs. Sophia Hiras visited schools and interacted with the students in an effort to raise awareness about animal welfare. It is fair to say that with every program we encounter a number of difficulties and by overcoming these difficulties, we improve the next programs to come. This program exceeded our expectations in the number of animals treated (312) in just 3.5 days, all thanks to the hard work of the medical team and the trapping/releasing volunteers who were at the clinic for approximately 12 hours daily.
Before showcasing some of the program highlights, we would like to especially extend our gratitude to the following individuals for their significant contributions to this program. This campaign would not have been possible without the immense support of Father Demetrios Skarvelakis, who welcomed our team with open arms and inspired the locals to participate actively in the program. His sincere love for our beloved strays served as daily inspiration and encouragement in spite of the long hours our volunteers spent in and outside of the clinic. We would also like to thank the committee of the church (Transfiguration of the Saviour of Othos) for allowing us to use the space in the Megaron of Stes. In addition, the president of the village of Othos Mr. Mathew Economides who supported the program throughout its duration and offered hands-on assistance multiple times. Furthermore, Mr. Shamraz Sarwar was there daily and oferred pro bono assistance with the transportation of goods and the configuration of the space.
Last but not least, there is one special volunteer without whom this program would not have taken place in Othos to begin with, and this is Ms. Fotini Lagonikos. Fotini, wholeheartedly believed in the importance of this program and worked diligently over months to organize key details. Throughout the duration of the program she volunteered daily to ensure that all the volunteers were coordinated and that the trapping/releasing was done in an organized manner. After the completion of the program she continued to check on the cat colonies to make sure the cats recovered well.
As always, this program would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors and business sponsors. For this program, Animal Welfare Karpathos partnered with Veterinary Global Aid, a new nonprofit based in the US through which volunteer veterinarians can provide free care to animals in need around the globe.
We invite all of you to review the information below and help us give thanks to everyone who contributed to another successful campaign.
Giving them the best care possible
As with each of our previous programs, this campaign was no different in the number of diseases we diagnosed and treated. Most of the stray cats who were trapped suffered from severe dental disease and stomatitis. When possible, extractions of damaged teeth were completed after their spay/neuter surgery and antibiotics and proper pain management was administered. In addition, our veterinarians performed 5 enucleation surgeries in kitties who had damaged eyes (beyond repair). In addition, the vets performed 3 ear amputations due to the presence of cancerous masses. 3 blind kitties were placed in foster care and 2 of those found a home in Athens. Thanks to the portable ultrasound machine brough by Dr. Palluch we were able to diagnose a male cat with advanced liver cancer. The cat was losing weight (as per the volunteer who cared for him) and was severely icteric. Due to his overall condition (emaciated), and very poor prognosis the volunteer caregiver elected humane euthanasia. A number of cats (mainly the male ones) had superficial infected wounds which were also treated. All the cats received vaccinations and antiparasitic therapy. Some of the cats who were trapped (from colonies where feeding occurs daily) were overweight, and our doctors stressed the importance of a balanced diet to the volunteers. Finally, a number of cats had significant diarrhea and the most severe cases were placed in foster care so they could continue proper treatment.
From Kindergarten to High School students: AWK finds hope in the young generation.
Dr. Katogiritis visited the kindergarten of Othos a day before the program began. For this visit we collaborated with Mr. Mr. Filippos Brentas- Teacher of the Kindergarten of Othos, Karpathos. There, she met with 4 enthusiastic little ones who were eager to share which were their favorite animals. The students had prepared multiple drawings which were then displayed in our clinic throughout the program. During the last day of the program the kids visited the clinic and were guided through the clinic so they could understand how the process works. Children’s books were donated to the kindergarten through Veterianry Global Aid, Inc.
After the surgical days ended, Dr. Katogiritis and Mrs. Sophia Hiras visited the high school in Aperi where a Q&A with the high school students was held. The visit was scheduled in collaboration with Dr. Stavroula Triantafyllou, Principle of the High School. The questions that were asked were well thought of and the discussion was centered around the ethics of spay/neuter programs and the laws regarding animal care etc. Dr. Anna and Sophia encouraged the students to become volunteers and join us for our next program.
AWK's campaigns are not possible without loving volunteers!
Multiple board members of Animal Welfare Karpathos participated in this program. In addition, AWK welcomed new volunteers to the organization who travelled from near (locals) and far (US/ Austria/ Germany/Holland/ UK) to help. Please help us in acknowledging the individuals who helped treat 312 animals!
Lead veterinarian/surgeon:
Dr. Anna Katogiritis
Licensed Veterinarians:
Dr. Gianna Katirtzoglou
Dr. Andreas Palluch
Dr. Anastasia Peraki
Dr. Bob Suurenbroek- assisted with anesthesia monitoring during the program
Volunteer licensed veterinary nurses (responsible for the preparation and recovery of animals)
April Bowen
Janina Wappler
Trapping and releasing volunteers and clinic assistants (by alphabetical order):
Wendy Abdala, Wasan Alhashimi, Kimly Berends, Irene Christodoulakis-Reisi, Vicky Halkia, Kallirroi Haniotis, Nikos Haniotis, Sophia Hiras-Micros, Annet van der Kaag, Anna Kamaratos, Antonis Kamaratos, Vena Kamaratos, Maria Kamaratos, Fotini Lagonikos, Maria Loizou, Wilma Looye, Silvia Maas, Litsa Maris, Mihalis Micros, Mihailia Nisirios, Zina Papagianni, Maria Pavlakos, Anna Petraki, Polychronis Polychroniou, Haidee Pittas, Luisa Ricaldone, Ineke Termeer, Marco Termeer, Argiro VardalakouVolunteers who cooked meals daily:
We would also like to thank Mrs. Despina Skoullos who organized a menu of local traditional delicacies prepared by the families of the village.
Fotini Patsourakis-Antonakakis, Marigo Christodoulaki, Marisca Karatzas-Dijk, Mathew Economides, Kallirroi Haniotis,Michalis Hapsis,Nina Kamaratos, Dolly Konstantinidi, Irene Lagonikos, Anna Leou, Sophia Lyristakis, Eftihia Petrakis, Kalliopi Saitis, Despina Skoullos, Rinio Stavraki, Anna-Maria Tsougkriani, Sophia Haniotis-Vasiliadis,
Volunteers who helped with the preparation of the clinic space:
Father Demetrios Skarvelakis, Marigoula Tsapouki-Konsta, Anna Petrakis, Eftihia Petrakis, Rinio Stavrakis, Kalliopi Saitis, Irene Toska, Anna-Maria Tsougkriani, Fragitsa Vasioliotis
Assistance with practical matters in preparation of the space:
Lambros Tsougkrianis
Kostas Papanikolaou (Papanikolaou Electronics)
Sponsors and Contributors
The Animal Welfare Karpathos Othos Spay Neuter & Education campaign would not have been possible without the generous support of the donors and business listed below.
Accommodation sponsors who provided free rooms for the volunteers throughout the program were:
Fotini Kokkinidou, Popi Kourouglou-Dokaki
Zoe Protopapa
Maria Hapsi (“Vineyard Cottage Stes”),
Anna Lagonikos (“Anna’s House”).Donors (monetary donations towards program costs listed highest amount donated) -
- raised 3051 euros
- White House Bride- Stacie Leon
- Karpathian Progressive Association of Australia
- "St. Panteleimon" Sisterhood of Othos in America & Canada (Αδελφότητα Οθειτών Αμερικής & Καναδά "Αγιος Παντελεήμων".
- Pericles Lagonikos & Laura Liberman
- John Kourouglos
- Louis Lagonik & Evi Francey Kampouri Lagonik
- Vasilis Ntokakis
- Fotini Kokkinidou
- Harper Cafe/ Bar, Pigadia, Karpathos island
- Zefiros Association of Othos (Ζέφυρος, Σύλλογος Οθειτών), Pereaus, Greece
- Sofia Papakosta
- Mary Kritsiotis
- Argiro Vardalakou
- Fragitsa Bertos
- Nikos & Maria Fasouletou
- Manolis & Konstantina Kritsiotis
- Angela Costetsos
- Elias & Popi Pelidis
Sponsored dinners were provided by the following local associations, and donors:
- Committee of the church: Church of the Transfiguration of the Saviour of Othos
- Educational- extracurricular association “Ergasia & Hara” of Othos, Karpathos
- Regional Governor of Karpathos and Kasos: Mrs. Popi Nikolaidou
- Michael Micropandremenos and Sophia Hiras- Micropandremenos
In-Kind Sponsors (services or item donations):
- Eva (Evdoxia) K. Modica: purchased high quality suture supplies for the program worth over 200 euros
- Maria Loizou- Ioannidis: purchased office supplies and pee-pee pads during the program worth approximately 150 euros
- Giorgos Pappas clothing dry/cleaning: the business washed all of our sheets/towels etc at the end of the program
- Konstantidis Pest Control and Disifenctions: disinfected the clinic space after our program ended.
- Karpathos Fruit Market: offered 20 euros worth of goods
- Argo gas station: 20Lt of kerosine to be used for the heating of the clinic
- Nikos Avdellis: 20 Lt of Kerosine to be used for the heading of the clinic
- K.T.E.L Karpathou A.E- Basilarakis Georgios: Transported the volunteers to and from the airport
- Mini Market Anna Malihoutsaki- Vasilis Peros: provided breakfast supplies for volunteers
- Athanasiou Bakery: 3kg of Karpathian koulouria
- Fruit Market Mihalis Kasotakis: 50 euros worth of fuirt supplies for volunteers
Would you like to donate or volunteer during our next program?
Email our team at Donate@AnimalWelfareKarpathos.com and Volunteer@AnimalWelfareKarpathos.com
Click the icon to donate | Πατήστε στο εικονίδιο για να κάνετε μία δωρεά
We only accept monetary donations directly into our bank account or charity-approved PayPal, as to ensure the transparency of our organization.
If you would like to become a monthly or yearly donor, your support would be highly appreciated.
If you are a company or private donor who would like to become a sponsor for our next spay/neuter campaign please contact us at donate@animalwelfarekarpathos.com directly to discuss details and the needs for our campaign.
Donate Money via your bank!
Donations can be made directly to our bank account, using the information below.
Οι δωρεές μπορούν να γίνονται απευθείας στον τραπεζικό μας λογαριασμό, χρησιμοποιώντας τις παρακάτω πληροφορίες.- Bank Name: Εθνική Τράπεζα, National Bank of Greece
- Account name: Animal Welfare Karpathos - Φιλοζωική Δράση Καρπάθου
- IBAN: GR44 0110 3870 0000 3870 0337 314
- Purpose/ αιτιολογία: DONATION / ΔΩΡΕΑ
© Animal Welfare Karpathos 2020 - 2024
A registered non-for-profit in Karpathos, Greece